
Friday, September 21, 2007

Pay Your Own Way!

The subject of paying for college is a touchy subject for many young adults. It is a given, a college education is not cheap, no matter where you go. Loans, books, housing, food, technology expenses and more really do add up. The article "Pay Your Own Way" by author Audrey Rock-Richardson boasts of her ability to pay her way through college without the assistance of parental finances. At times, this article seems to be a bit excessive in the way it condemns young adults who do not pay for their own education. Excessive as it is though, I do agree and support the idea that students should take an active role in paying for at least a part of their schooling. The author's main gripe in this article is the fact that parents feel obligated to pay for their children. These students in turn do not feel it necessary to work through school and make up excuses for their choices regarding this matter. She argues strongly to prove her point, and I agree on about 75%, that it is a good experience to pay your own way through school. It teaches responsibility and money management. I hope that other people agree with this as well.


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