
Friday, September 21, 2007


This essay makes me wonder where society will be in ten or twenty years. Handwritten letters used to be the norm. Does anyone even write little thank you notes anymore or is everything e-mails or something to that effect? The examples Tannen provides in this article, Connections, of families having so many televisions in their home simply so each person can watch whatever they want, alone, or how there is a radio in every room of the house, or the headphones people wear for jogging coupled with the obvious more recent trends of i-Pods make me wonder why society doesn't stress social intearaction as much as it promotes seclusion! Tannen provides an excellent example of why technology is important in keeping people connected, however used in excess, this trend is detrimental to our way of life. The basic concept of human contact and communication is at risk if people rely on technology as a means to live their lives.


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